A little more about us...
We provide a full range of Energy Savings and Sustainability Solutions to clients in Asia, USA, UK and Australia

David Lukas founded SMART after leaving the law to stop writing about doing things, to start doing some things. He is passionate about energy and sustainability and their context in the modern and rapidly changing age.
He studied business and law at the University of Technology, Sydney and finance at the Securities Institute of Australia (now Finsia). He also completed studies in electricity derivatives through the Australian Financial Markets Association.
Prior to founding SMART Mr Lukas worked at Gadens Lawyers where he worked in banking, corporate and climate change law. He has also worked at AJ Lucas and Perpetual Trustees.
As Chief Executive Officer of the SMART Services Group Pty Ltd, a private investment and advisory business based in Sydney, he is responsible for executing strategy, developing new business and administration of the companies within the group. SMART Services Group focuses on energy and infrastructure with particular interest in energy efficiency, renewable energy and sustainability.
Mr Lukas is a member of the St James Ethics Centre, past Chair of the Sydney Young Energy Professionals and past Committee Member of the Australian Institute of Energy – Sydney Branch.
What we do

1. Initial Consultation
2. Audit
3. Action Plan
Our initial consultation will help us get to know each other. You’ll tell us about your organisation, what you do and your plans for the future.
Our expert team will audit your facilities and prepare a comprehensive analysis of the how you can lower your energy costs.
We’ll help you implement the savings measures in your Action Plan, ensuring the works are performed safely, with minimum disruption to your organisation.

Our story
SMART was founded on the principle that optimising sustainability, environmental and social outcomes is the best pursuit of productivity and profitability.
We partner with like-minded organisations and clients to drive the next generation of proven sustainable development and are passionately informed about market trends.
Think Safety First
We insist on working safely and providing a safe environment for our clients, ourselves, and anyone else around.
Safety is our first priority. We are comprehensive in our approach to safety at all times. In designing projects, when advising, when travelling to and from sites, at the start of each day and before every action – Think Safety First.
Health and Safety Policy Objectives
The objectives of this policy are:
Keeping the SMART organisation and our workplaces free from work-related injury or illness, and
Encouraging a caring and mindful SMART safety culture.

Follow the lead of these global giants
These leading corporations have proven that Sustainability programs can make money, improve reputations and benefit the environment. Create an account see how it's done.


Solar PV
Waste Heat Recovery
LEDs use 75% less energy and last 10 times longer
Solar PV can slash your power bills while the sun is shining.
Recover and reuse waste heat and save more energy.
HVAC management can lower energy use by 40%.
Government subsidies can double your savings.

Automate your facilities to work smarter.
Passive Design
Passive design works without you knowing.
Energy Efficiency
Our process and programs will help manage your energy use.
Solar Hot Water
Using the sun to heat your hot water is cheaper than you think.
Now you can use solar power when the sun isn't shining.
About Smartesco
"Sustainable IS profitable."
-David J. Lukas
Founder and CEO of Smartesco
What is an ESCO?
Energy Services Companies (ESCOs) provide a broad range of energy solutions including designs and implementation of energy savings projects, retrofitting, energy conservation, energy infrastructure outsourcing, power generation and energy supply, and risk management.
Enhanced Reputation
Save Money

Better Performance