Case Study
Bakers Maison
Bakers Maison Australia is a specialist manufacturer of authentic French style breads, pastries and sweets. They are now saving $224,000 a year in energy costs after upgrading technology in the factory.
"We have installed a thousand square meters of solar panels on the roof of the factory. Each single project has a different payback duration but overall, we're looking at how it's paying, which i think is very attractive it made sense to do all those projects."
---Pascal Chaneliere, General Manager | Baker's Maison
Solar PV Case Study: Milner Meat Supply
Milner Meat Supply is a gourmet butcher shop with an extensive range of products including game meats, free range products, homemade products such as hams & bacon, as well as imported cheeses and smallgoods.
Milner Meat Supply were facing rising energy costs and as such were keen to find ways to reduce their electricity consumption, particularly due to their high refrigeration needs.
Project Highlights
Project description: Reduce their electricity consumption ie, high refrigeration needs
Energy Savings: 29,917 kWh per annum of electricity
Total Savings: $6,083 per annum saved
Electricity consumption
Baseline energy consumption: 211,495 kWh of electricity
Refrigeration: Approx 60%
Air conditioning: Approx 20%
Lighting, IT, Hot Water and other appliances: remaining 20% of the balance
10kW PV Solar system was installed on the roof producing over 16,000 kWh per annum representing 8% of their baseline energy consumption.
2 coats of white exterior acrylic gloss paint were applied to all roof areas.
A heat pump hot water system was installed to replace an aging electric hot water system. Heat pumps use the refrigeration cycle in reverse to extract heat energy from the air and transfer this to the hot water tank
Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 12 tonnes per annum.
Reduction in heat gain into their building.
Improved internal comfort and reduced air conditioning loads.
Energy savings of over 60% when compared with a standard electric hot water service.
Estimated 29,917 kWh per annum of electricity.
Estimated $6,083 per annum saved.
Case Study
Maison Tucker House
The Tuckers were an early and prosperous family in Clarence Creek, settling in the area in the mid 1800s. The house was donated to the Baptist community. It is now an environmental and retreat center.
"A solar PV system was installed in the 30 acre property. The system will not only feed energy to the integral part of it but will educate the public, schools and visitors of Tucker house about renewable energy.
The solar panel system is an important component of this initiative as it generates clean, renewable electricity as well as funds for the center. With these funds, we will continue to invest in the center's green infrastructure and educational program."
---Monique Lefèvre